Anygram external link

Anygram is a social media based on language exchange.
You can meet friends all around the world anywhere and anytime.
We hope that people all around the world can communicate without a language barrier.
Anygram has a lot more features for a language learner to study their practicing language than other apps. In Anygram’s chatting there is a feature called the ‘phrase book’. In the phrase book, frequently used online phrase are translated in to 18 different languages so anyone can talk with any foreigner in whatever language!
Also for communicating with friends that live in countries with a big time difference, they can use the penpal feature. Penpal feature is sending letters to each other instead of chatting. By giving back penpal letters users can lower the pressure of having to chat in real-time.
Compared to other language exchange apps, Anygram has a one to many communications where users can communicate not only by one on one chatting but also through open debates and the correction market and translation market based on collective intelligence. So in Anygram you get a lot more chance to speak to a lot of people and make friends and understand different cultures.
Also, it’s not only a language exchanging app. Anygram is an open social network service where people all around the world can share their stories.
Another particular feature in Anygram is that there is a chat rating system where users rate other users in chat manners. So users can filter for themselves in who to talk to.

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  1. Mark Baker says:

    It is a good app to have