Atom – Build A Life Long Habit Of Mindfulness Meditation external link

Mindfulness can’t be achieved by meditation don once or twice a week. It can be only achieved if you are able to meditate regularly i.e. form a habit of meditation.
When you’re planning to start meditating, you’re in a totally different head space. You’re probably relaxed, rested, and maybe visualizing yourself meditating and feeling calm and peaceful. But when it comes to acting on those decisions, the motivation to sleep more overpowers everything.

Often, we do not realise that it’s not us to blame but simply the lack of systems that we need to use to help us build mindfulness into a practice. Rejections can be frustrating, but they are a learning experience that can help us get a better clarity.
Atom, through it’s algorithm, can form adaptive meditation sessions for you. Not just that, they use trigger habits which really help in habit formation. You should try it and feature it as well if you find it useful. So it not just makes mindfulness easy, but also systematic.

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  1. Walter Long says:

    This app is so cooooooolll.

  2. Ryder Sunburst says:

    Boosts my productivity tenfold