Many businesses offer discounts targeting students. However, they lack a digital platform to economically and directly reach out to them. Students live on tight budgets and constantly look for platforms where they can save every penny possible when buying products. We provide a platform for businesses to effectively post their discount offers targeting eager students near their premises.
Businesses create their brand page by filling a simple form. Brand pages are designed to function as a website would. A free option for SMEs that don’t have one. Businesses use these pages to post discounts, tagging up to 3 campuses which will make the discount visible in each campus page and any other within a default 10km radius. Students can find this discount by visiting their campus page, via a link in a friend’s recommendation or through a product search. Students and business managers can like, comment on and recommend discounts thus interacting in real time. Recommendations form a student’s time line, harnessing the power of social networking and peer-to-peer recommendations to provide relevant and timely content in user feeds, .
We currently have 36,507 campus locations and 1.2 million active business pages distributed worldwide.
Nice job
love the recent updates
Where is the link? Sounds Very cool!