Ctzen is a mobile app that allows citizens to send ticket issues to government, such as potholes, vandalism, crime, broken street lights, etc. We send all these reports to local governments or private companies in charge of the solution. We offer to these governments/private companies our management system, so they can manage, prioritize, and attend the citizens requirements without wasting money and time. Ctzen helps the government to become efficient, intelligent and trusted.
Our platform is totally dynamic. We use our Geographical Information Systems Expertise to develop the best solution ever created in city planning. We are introducing all citizens in the construction of their cities with a well-designed application, so they can in a matter of seconds, capture important information that will provide us the capacity of make better plans that will generate more impact in our cities. We unite the concept of online government with citizen participation in one dynamic platform. We can change all platform options between cities, so, the citizen will just have one app for all the world. We are unique.
Design + Strategy + GIS + Government + Citizens = Better cities.