Currently whenever you make a new connection with someone – whether in real life or virtually – you have to track him or her down and find out if they are on a particular social network. Gel’s goal is to simplify this process and we do this through two component. The first is our custom keyboard that enables quick and customized sharing of your social information. Second, is a unified web repository for all of your social accounts, which instantly lets anyone on any device view your information and connect with you across your shared social networks.
Once downloaded, open Gel and connect the social profiles of your choosing. Enable our keyboard by going through the 6 easy, one-time steps outlined on the bottom of app. That’s it!
When you are doing anything from texting to tweeting, open our keyboard by holding down the globe icon on your existing keyboard and choose the profiles you want to share. By clicking the “Share” button, a user friendly URL is created that you can paste anywhere. Send in a text, an email or a social post. When someone clicks that link, they are then redirected to a web page where they can view and connect with the social accounts you have chosen to share with them.
In the coming months you can expect even more ways to connect with friends but one thing we will always stay true to is simplicity. All of us at Gel are devoted to continually making connecting faster and more seamless.
This app is so cooooooolll.
I have been using this app ever since it was released