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GlycoLeap combines expert human coaching with mobile technology to empower people with, or at-risk of, Type 2 diabetes to live a healthier life: lower blood sugar levels and weight loss. With a personal diabetes coach on your phone, you’ll always know you’re in the right direction. Anytime, anywhere.

How does it work? You simply take photos of your meals with Glyco app, and your personal dietitian will review and score each meal to provide feedback, tips and answer any of your questions. Use the intuitive interface to enter your blood glucose readings, connect with activity tracking devices and apps. See how your blood glucose levels are affected by what you eat and how much you move. GlycoLeap uses concepts from behavioural science to drive positive health outcomes.

Designed with love for people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Our team has worked with hundreds of people with type 2, and we know it can feel lonely, difficult and sometimes just too complicated. But with the right support, it doesn’t have to be! That’s our inspiration and motivation, every day – so you can live well.

Powered by Holmusk, a digital health and data analytics company.

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  1. Pamela Thompson says:

    The idea of the app is awesome, although it can benefit from a few improvements..