**Icon Resizer** saves you time in properly preparing icons for use in your design in the following ways:
– Quickly add/remove icon dimensions;
– Ability to generate both individual icons and a grid of variants;
– Set stroke thickness to frame the size of the icon if it uses outlines;
– You have a root icon component that allows you to make changes in only one place to edit the entire set;
– Quickly rename icon components using variables.
## **Pro features [[BUY PRO↗](https://2473925136181.gumroad.com/l/icon-resizer)]:**
– Preserving the fill color when changing instances of different icons. Now you don’t have to re-set the color for an icon every time. This is achieved through proper automatic organization of layers;
– Analysis of icons for correct structure matching and quick selection;
– Automatic cleaning of unnecessary nesting within the icon frame.
## **How to use? [SEE GUIDE↗](https://www.figma.com/file/SCMWosGYMLWd0hUPwSX1PP/How-to-Use-Icon-Resizer?type=design&node-id=2-272&mode=design&t=q7iu4UrjLK340qBA-11)**
1. Select one or more icons you want to generate;
2. Enter a name for the set to be generated (use variables to pass dimensionality values or the original name, this will apply according to the frame size);
3. Select the type of generation. As individual components or as a variants set;
4. Set the desired icon sizes and stroke thickness if needed;
5. Click the “**Generate**” button.