OneQstn allows you to quickly send a single question poll to any, or many, of your contacts in iMessage. Building on the well-established, a platform that enables thousands of users to create single question surveys, this app enables simple question creation, easy voting, an intuitive results view and a summary history of each question sent.
Organizing anything with friends can be a nightmare, keeping track of the answers to questions like “Where should we go mountain biking next weekend?” or “Where shall we meet for drinks on Thursday?” is easier and faster with OneQstn.
OneQstn is the quickest way to reliably collate the opinions of your contacts by blending the newest Apple App platform with a tried and tested survey infrastructure already relied on by thousands of users.
OneQstn iMessage Features
* Accountless question creation
* Question creation, vote recording, and summary history
* Single vote per recipient ensured
* Clean and intuitive design based on Apple’s best practices
It works. Its a silly app but it works.