Periscope Technologies Inc external link

Free monitoring of the companies and products you care about. MarketSpace scans news, app updates, social posts, videos and more to deliver customized results via RSS, email digest, web-app, Google Sheets and team messaging services like Slack. Teams use MarketSpace to stay on top of their competition, clients, sales prospects, partners and portfolios. Users can upgrade for deeper scans, website change monitoring and custom APIs.

Inspired by our work in highly competitive industries, we’re building a way to bring together all of the information that businesspeople need to compete, invest and partner more effectively.

Scores of professionals have told us they spend many (often more than five) hours every week monitoring other companies online. They rely on a patchwork set of services and websites that are hard enough to monitor much less derive true insight. And they’re willing to pay for a service that makes it easier.

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  1. Daniel Stewart says:

    very good

  2. Donna Butler says:

    The widget is convenient for quick access