Pink Salt Wall app is a product selling platform. Direct checkout and shipping calculations. Selling pure Himalayan salt products. Get 10% off through our app.
Pink Salt Wall is the competitive product selling platform, providing products in the entire United States. We are offering several economical deals to provide our customers quality products and appropriate guidelines. Make interior locations more fascinating and healthier at the same time.
We offer exclusive salt bricks, salt tiles, and salt blocks for building salt spas, room, and customised installations. There are salt cooking blocks or slabs that can be used to cook, grill, sear and bake several types of foods on it. Additionally, we offer edible salt for nutritious benefits, because it contains up to 83 minerals and trace elements.
Pink Himalayan Salt products are utilised for decoration purposes and health improving factors. Pink salt products can be utilised as salt therapy for boosting health. They are associated with curing several pulmonary diseases. Moreover, they can re-alive your skin naturally with no side effects.