SOPRANOS is a user-friendly and intuitive music app that combines all the ways to experience music in one app only.
Today there are so many music apps available, but they only allow you to listen to your music.
And music is everywhere in your life, with you in your car, on the train, in a nice bar and even at home with your family and your friends.
But why can’t you get more out of your music experiences?
Imagine, one app that gathers all your music librairies like Deezer, Spotify, Juke or Apple Music.
Imagine also that the same app gives you all the latest info of your favorite artists, their top charts and videos or even their up coming events.
Imagine if you could also have fun with your friends with this app playing bind tests or even karaoke !
What if this app could also help you to understand the lyrics of you favorites songs in your own language?
What would you think of having the chance to learn how to play that one song you love with the same?
Well, we believe music has to be experienced those ways if you want so and that not through 10 different apps!
So that’s what’s we created
Listen, Enjoy & Learn ! like never before