Tap Into Safety external link

Helping organisations, engage workers, reduce injuries and formulate insights through specialised mental health & safety training software.

The Tap into Safety platform has two signature software solutions available for use on the computer and smart devices. Hazard Insight provides customised hazard perception training that utilises a gamified methodology to reveal gaps in safety knowledge. The predictive data shows users at risk.

All of Me is our early intervention mental health solution for workplacesthat uses an anonymous log in to educate the user on helpful coping strategies when faced with stressors such as change, Burnout, relationship breakdown, conflict etc. it provides information on common mental health conditions and links to additional support. It offers one click away from help for those who seek help. Finally, it does what no other product has done and that is provide predictive data of staff groups in mental health decline. This informs organisation’s well-being programs so they can direct the appropriate support to the people who need it most, tailored to be more effective.

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