Our website lets you shorten links and earn money when people click on them, while also giving you a way to advertise your content in a beautiful new way.
Think of it like an ecosystem. On one side, there are people who want to earn money from their online content, and on the other side, there are people who want to advertise and promote their online content. With Tize, both sides can get what they want, and help each other out.
If you want to make money with Tize, then you can paste your links into our link shortener, and generate monetized links (links with advertising on them). By sharing the links with your users, you give Tize advertisers an audience to promote their content to, and in return, they pay you for every view you get them. You can integrate the links into whatever online platform you are currently using, they act just like normal links!
If you want to advertise and promote your online content, then you can create ads for your content with our ad builder, and pay for the amount of views you want to receive on your ad. Other Tize users will help you get views by sharing their Tize links, and you’ll pay them for every view they get you (up to the amount you set).
But wait, you hate ads though! Don’t worry, we hate ads too. And that’s why our ads are unlike any other ads you’ve encountered before on the Internet. For one, Tize ads can be only created for content that people actually want to see, such as music, videos, or apparel. Second, all Tize ads must be created with our ad templates. We made our ad templates as simple as possible, so the content has to speak for itself. Therefore, the only way advertisers can get you to interact with their ads is by making them look beautiful and enticing. To the point, every ad has to be reviewed by us before it goes live on Tize links. So we’ll be making sure that every Tize ad lives up to our standard of being an ad that you actually want to see.
Lastly, and most importantly, we don’t force anyone to see our ads, because that’s annoying. And we don’t want to annoy people. Annoyed people aren’t going to be receptive to advertising anyways, so we don’t want to waste our advertiser’s money by trying to advertise to them. When you click on any Tize link, you’ll get the option to skip the ad right away, before you even see it. We’re confident that everyone won’t just skip the ads every time, because we’ve ensured that our ads are actually appealing.
If you, the lovely person who’s reading this, want to start making money shortening links, or you want to promote your content with Tize ads, sign up, and get to it! Our website is completely free to use, the only thing you’ll pay for is when you want to advertise! We’ve made it as easy to use as possible, so anyone can use it (definitely a million times easier than Facebook Ads, trust me).
And you don’t have to do just make money or advertise, you can do both! For example, imagine you make music. You can earn money by making Tize links to lets say, free downloads of your music, and then use some of what you earn from your links to buy advertising for your music, which will then get you more fans who click on your Tize links, and thus you’ll earn even more money. That can apply to any other situation, it’s totally up to you, the platform is all yours to use how you like.