Woosah external link

Sometimes you just want to share 10 seconds of a YouTube video. Unfortunately, customizing a clip from YouTube is difficult.

It’s not clear on YouTube’s mobile app or website how to do it, or if it can even be done. An internet search says it can, but the results from Stack Overflow show code snippets and long links that are daunting to an average person. woosah is the only mobile app that lets you create, customize, and share YouTube clips and other media how you want.

First, select a source and search for content. Second, trim clips to 11 seconds or less, add video/audio effects with the touch of a button, and preview the clip – all with one hand. Last, share the clip directly in woosah or to Facebook or Twitter. There are no links or code involved when shared, and the user can view, hear and respond to clips in one spot. Any clip that is sent or received can also be shared or edited. This user experience as a whole cannot be found in any single app.

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